National tax threshold
作者:深圳骏帆国际集运,国际集运转运,淘宝集运,集运欧洲,集运美国,集运转运 发布时间:2019-09-09
Starting point in the UK: 15
Composition of comprehensive tariff: VAT + duty + adv
VAT = (value of goods (declaration to customs) + freight +duty) x 20%
Duty = value x product tax rate
Australia starting point: 1000 Australian dollars
Composition of comprehensive tariff: duty + GST + adv
GST = UK VAT (value of goods (declaration to customs) + freight + duty) x 10%
Duty = value of goods x tax rate
Starting point in the United States: 200 dollars
Composition of comprehensive tariff: duty + adv
Duty = value of goods x tax rate
EU starting point 22 Euro
Composition of comprehensive tariff: VAT = (value of goods (declaration to customs) + freight +duty) x 19%
Duty = (value + freight 70%) x product tax rate
The starting point of Swiss tariff is: 100 Swiss francs
Before, the seller consulted Switzerland's tariff starting point (Switzerland is not a member of the EU, is a neutral country), and inquired about the Swiss customs website. Please kindly be informed!
european union customs/dds/tarhome_ en.htm
Canada (GPT rate applicable in China)
Norway TAD/Tolltariffen/StartPage.aspx?id=164540&epslanguage=EN
Switzerland ; jsessionid=Lc9xQFwJhKcm2T012NBNqCFBw1hsxmvjBf5CMMx6GsNDqYP06yLh!- 1750961295?
Australia (DCS tax rate applicable in China)
New Zealand Tariff of New Zealand/default.htm
The People's Republic of Bangladesh
Vietnam? to_ import/tax/folder_ listing/?set_ language=en
Sri Lanka
the republic of korea INFORMATION_ KOREA
Thailand frame.jsp
Tax reduction table of ASEAN countries to China
China free trade area service network (ASEAN). Pakistan. Chile. New Zealand. Singapore. Peru) qianshu.shtml
Shenzhen entry exit inspection and Quarantine Bureau - regional preferential inquiry system
Supplementary notes
1、 Basic tax rate / WTO tax rate
Here WTO refers to MFN (most favored nation) tax rate, and the tariff rate enjoyed by a country's imported products from its most favored country. The most favored nation treatment is an important clause in the general agreement on Tariffs and trade. According to this article, the preferential, exemption and privilege given by the two parties to a third country in trade .the two parties are also given to the other party, which is reflected in the tariff, that is, the most favored nation tax. This form of tariff reduction is reciprocal. Now the most favored nation tax rate is applied to the trade .WTO member countries, and the most favored nation tax rate is the normal tax rate. Generally, the preferential tariff of GSP and FTZ is reduced on the basis of WTO tariff. Basic tax rate: in preferential arrangements of some ASEAN countries, the tariff as the core and starting point of preferential base.
2、 Preferential tax rate:
It refers to the preferential tariff which is lower than the ordinary tax rate on the imported goods from a specific beneficiary country. Preferential tariff is generally reciprocal. Through international trade.tariff agreement, the two sides of the agreement give each other preferential tariff treatment; However, there are also unilateral preferential tariff treatments, such as preferential tariff under GSP; WTO implements multilateral MFN preferential tariff, which is granted by any Contracting Party to all contracting parties.
The current preferential tariff includes two types:
1. scope of GSP: it is a preferential tax rate provided by developed countries to developing countries. It is based on the most favored nation tax rate for relief, and therefore is the lowest tax rate, which is one-way and non reciprocal. It includes the European Union, Japan, Canada, Norway, Switzerland, Australia and other countries.
2. preferential range of FTZ: it is a regional trade arrangement in the form of preferential trade arrangement and free trade zone. The preferential system tax rate is more favorable than the most favored nation tax rate in these regions. It is one of the exceptions of the most favored nation treatment principle of the world trade organization. It includes ASEAN countries, Asia Pacific agreement countries, Pakistan, Chile, Peru, New Zealand and other countries.
Tax exemption amount of each country:
Notes on the value of the national currency
RMB 1000, China
US $200
Canadian Canadian $20
UK £ 15
Australian and New Zealand aud1000
Euro 22
Russian Ruble 10000
Packages in Latin America with $50 above $50 are easy to lose
Japan $130
Singapore $307
Brazil $46
New Zealand $308 (including freight)
Spain $30
The above contents are for reference only